By the Pond II
So here I stand by the pond,
Peer into the murky green
Where my beloved ghosts live on.
One love in every verse,
And others go unsaid.
May this crudeness be forgiven.
Deep down at the bottom,
The little coal-haired girl
With sea-blue eyes
Lived in my heart alone
My made-up girl
Made-up friend
Village mayor’s baby girl
Her wild red hair stirs the waters
As she rides her giant horse
Across the depths of the pond
Monica actual
On the first day of school
She smithereened my blue glass gift
And my minute soul
To eye-coloured shards
First long kisses from
The ash-haired girl with her
Bewildering scent of cedarwood.
Asterix was better. I was eleven.
Strong and relentless
Adolescent love and pain and love
For half a decade we taught each other
How to make our bodies sing.
And then 3000 miles away,
Proud and beautiful,
She bore me a daughter
I was young. Too young
Too young,
The ephemeral poetess - Sónia
Beauty and words
Words and beauty
Our bodies sang electric
And then mutual betrayal.
But so, so much of the pond
Is she, Inês, the world itself
In a single woman.
So much love given
So much love taken
I thank you with my tears
And a broken-china heart for
Our years, my years
So, so much of my life
I have become you
So now I stand by the pond
As my tears fall into the still
Darkness of my pasts.
And from among all these ghostly faces
I try to untangle my own.
But you YOU alone,
Who now walks with me
Stands with me
Can see my real shape.
Hand in hand
Head against head
We sing the body and
We sing the soul.
Come what may.