taking flight
we revelled in the cold autumn rain that pattered all night through our open bedroom window: the lime taste of oxygen but suddenly the sky sweeps in from Meknes spreads blue hot chalk over god-forsaken Lisbon urburbs the asphalt crawling with gross fat black glistening princess ants princesses in life-and-death quests for the promised life the promised home they were entitled to blind to future com promises they make me sick to the bone stick to my trousers, to the windshield as I myself turn gradually into no thing boiling away on the hot autumn asphalt so in the stone blue distance let us hide in grounded old aeroplanes in the museum of flight before I vanish for good let me hide my hideous shrinking head in the warm Bedouin tent of the gentle cup of your hands where I know you will love me as I grow senile and evaporate I love you for so much more than this